11012023 Longwell Green

As Bristol Rovers look to raise funds for player Nick Anderton as he undergoes chemotherapy in his battle against bone cancer, one local club wanted to lend a hand.

Longwell Green owner John Gibbs offered gate receipts from their 1-1 Boxing Day draw with Oldland Abbotonians totalling £700, which will all go to Nick and his young family.

Rovers invited Gibbs and other club members to the Papa John's Trophy game with Plymouth on Tuesday night to say thank you - and boss Joey Barton was on hand to receive the cheque from John.


Rovers CEO Tom Gorringe said: "We'd like to say a huge thank you to John and everyone at Longwell Green as we do everything we can to help Nick. This is a fabulous gesture and we are hugely grateful."

If you would like to help Nick, please consider donating HERE.



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